«Впровадження інноваційних технологій та урізноманітнення форм і методів у роботі з обдарованими учнями при вивченні англійської мови»
Лось Наталія Володимирівна

Тема: Конфлікти в сім’ї та шляхи їх подолання.
           (Conflicts in the families and ways of their overcoming.)
Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення. Навчати спілкуванню за темою з опорою на текст, анкету, проблемну ситуацію. Розвивати вміння пошукового читання. Практикувати граматичні навички. Виховувати культуру взаємовідносин, любов і повагу до своєї родини.
Обладнання: підручник, "Questionnaire: children and parents", лист "What am I to do?", ноутбуки, навушники.
T: Hello, children! How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you.
2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: The Bible says, "Honour thе father and thе mother". It is one of the Ten Commandments.
In the family mothers and fathers help their children in many ways, long before the children can understand about it or say. "Thank you". As children grow older, they do many things for their fathers and mothers. Parents and children help one another. Though parents sometimes make mistakes, the children should understand that their parents are wiser and they know what is best for their children. So sons and daughters must show respect to their fathers and mothers and trust them, and obey them. At today's lesson we are going to discuss the problem of parents and children and learn the new grammar material The third Condition after some warm-up.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.
1)Впр. 4 (ст. 72 – 73)
4. Уведення в іншомовне середовище.
T: Answer my some questions just now.
1)Do you get on well with your parents?
2)Do your parents trust you?
3)Do you sometimes talk back to them?
4)Are you often grounded?
5)What did you do the last time you were grounded?
6)Do you always obey your parents?
7)Do you think you are a good child to your parents?
8)Are your parents often nervous?
9)Do they keep their promises?
10)Do your parents always have time to listen to your problems?
1.Повторення лексичного матеріалу.
Вчитель об’єднує учнів у дві групи, дає кожній команді по конерту, в якому містяться надруковані слова та їхній переклад. Завдання: якомога швидше підібрати слово та відповідний переклад.
2.Проведення анкетування. Учні читають анкету та виконують завдання.
Т: When you fully agree with something, you put “+”, if not put “-“.
Questionnarire (yes/no)
Children should obey their parents without question

It is an advantage to be an only child.

Girls and boys should be brought up in the same way – without definite roles.

Most men would prefer to have a son as their first child.

You should never hit a child.

It is the child’s duty to look after his or her parents when they are old.

Parents should never quarrel in front of their children.

The best way of punishing a child is to stop his or her pocket money.

Babies are boring.

It is wrong for both parents to go out to work if they have small

No family should be allowed to have more than four children nowadays.

Children under 18 should never be out later than 11 o’clock in the evening.

3.Аудіювання. (ст. 142 – 143)
1)Pre - listening
2)While – listening.
Say if the statements are true or false.
1.Ruslan works on his dad’s farm.
2.Ruslan thinks animals are more intelligent than humans.
3.A good social life is important for Rusian.
4.The city is a long way from where Ruslan lives.
5.Ruslan isn’t very interested in farming.
6.Ruslan doesn’t like trying new things.
3)Post – listening.
Choose the best in the task below.
1.Why does Ruslan like his job?
a)Because it’s challenging.
b)Because he likes talking to animals.
c)Because it’s not stressful.
d)Because he doesn’t feel lonely when he is at work.
2.What does he find hard about his job?
a)Sometimes he is lonely.
b)His dad is angry at him.
c)He doesn’t like being a farmer in winter.
d)He doesn’t like getting up early in the morning.
3.Why are weekends special for him?
a)Because he listens to music.
b)Because he loves going to the city.
c)Because he doesn’t have to go to bed early.
d)Because he sees his friends.
4.Why does Ruslan want to learn something else?
a)Because he doesn’t have any skills.
b)Because he learns fast.
c)Because he’s bored being a farmer.
d)Because he wants to do something different.
5.What is Ruslan’s dream?
a)To change his life.
b)To learn how to dance?
c)To be on TV.
d)To do something different.
1)Виконання впр. 2 ст. 75 – 77
5.Повторення попереднього та вивчення нового граматичного матеріалу.
1)Повторення часових форм. (усно)
-Виконання тренувальних вправ.
1)Put in am, is, are, was, were.
1. Last year she … 22, so she … 23 now. (am, is, are, was, were)
2. Today the weather … nice, but yesterday it … cold. (am, is, are, was, were)
3. I … hungry. Can I have something to eat? (am, is, are, was, were)
4. I … hungry last night, so I had something to eat.( am, is, are, was, were)
5. Where … you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning? (am, is, are, was, were)
6. Don’t buy those shoes. They … too expensive.( am, is, are, was, were)
7. Why … you so angry yesterday?( am, is, are, was, were)

2) Circle the right form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (went/ have gone) to every play at the local theatre so far this year.
2. My whole family (went/has gone) … to the play last weekend.
3. Jane (gave/has given) … me a ride home today.
4. I (fell/fallen) … down many times in my life, but never hard enough to really hurt myself or break a bone.
5. Mike (fell/fallen) … down many times during football practice yesterday.
Умовні речення з-го типу.
2)Подання нового граматичного матеріалу


                                    3rd CONDITIONAL

We use the Third Conditional for imaginary situations in the past.

Example: If it had been sunny, we should have gone sailing.

(But It wasn't sunny so we didn't go sailing.)

We can also use:

• other modals to show how possible or sure the result was.
Example: If it had been sunny, we could / might have gone sailing.

• the Perfect Continuous

Example: If 1 had been feeling tired, 1 wouldn't have been driving.

• passive forms

Example: The medicine shouldn't have been discovered if there

hadn't been an accident.

would have
+ 3rd form

If + Past Perfect

(Past Participle)

If it had been sunny,
we would have
gone sailing.

If 1 hadn't gone skiing,
1 wouldn't have
broken my leg.

If you had had
would you have
bought the house?

the money,

3)Виконання тренувальних вправ.
1.Read each sentence (1-6). Circle T for each true sentence (a-f) or 'F' for the false one.
1) If I had had time, I would have watched It's a Wonderful Life.
 a _T/F_ I didn't have time to watch It's a Wonderful Life.
2) I would have recorded the film if my DVD hadn't broken,
b _T/F_  I recorded the film.
3) John wouldn't have met Linda if he hadn't gone to his brother's party,
c  _T/F_  John didn't go to the party.
4) John would have been happier if he had become an architect,
d _T/F_ John became an architect.
5) The film wouldn't have been so good if James Stewart hadn't played the part of George Bailey.
e _T/F_ James Stewart played the part of George Bailey.
6) The enterprise wouldn't have been successful if they hadn't provided such a strong marketing company.
f _T/F_ The enterprise isn't successful.

2.Choose and circle the correct form of the 3rd Conditional.
1)If the Titanic (didn't hit / hadn't hit) an iceberg, it (wouldn't have sunk / doesn't sink).
2)If  the Aztecs (had defeated / defeated) Cortes' soldiers, the Spanish (mightn't conquered / mightn't have conquered) Mexico.
3)What (happened / would have happened) if Columbus (thought / had thought) the world was flat?
4)If the Tsar's soldiers (hadn't shot / wouldn't shoot) demonstrating workers in 1905, there (mightn't been / mightn't have been) a revolution in Russia.
5)John Kennedy (couldn't be assassinated / mightn't have been assassinated) in 1963 if he (hadn't been travelling / hadn't travelling) in an open-top car.
6.Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.
T: Listen and say which passage more closely reflects your opinion?
1)Виконання впр. 7 (ст.78)
1.Домашнє завдання.
Впр. 2 (ст.83) – усно;
Впр. 7 (ст.82) – письмово.
2.Підбиття підсумків уроку та виставлення оцінок.

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